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How to Generate Revenue From Your Facebook Fan Page

Boostlikes • Updated on April 2, 2022
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Generate Facebook Revenue

Most people these days simply refer to Facebook Fan Pages as simply Pages, and for a good reason; the era of their use primarily as pages for fan worship is long past. Today, Pages are used as marketing hubs and tools to build communities around certain brands, entities, events and media.

It’s entirely possible to make money from Facebook, though there are two different, non-exclusive ways to go about it. Which you choose depends on your goals, your resources and the nature of your business. You can even use them both, if you have several paths to monetization.

Step 1: Create a Page

Both the easiest and the hardest part of the whole process is properly creating your Page. Make sure you choose the proper classification; some types of pages are limited in what they can do and what they can display, while others have additional features specifically for that type of entity. Picking the wrong one will hamper you. Likewise, be careful in selecting the name you use. You can change your name and URL once, but it’s not easy; Facebook doesn’t want you to casually rebrand at the drop of a hat.

Take care when setting up your Page with all of the information you can fit in. This includes, primarily, you About section. The About section requires several sentences as a description of your business, a link to your main business page – essential if you ever hope to be verified, among other things – and your industry.

Your profile picture and cover photo are crucial as well. No one trusts a Page without a cover photo, for example. Your profile picture can be as simple as a recognizable shot of your logo, or you can jazz it up for a special event. It’s a good idea to change up these pictures every few months, as long as they stay recognizably branded.

Step 2: Build an Audience

When you’re first starting out, you can upload a mailing list if you have one, and Facebook will cross-check those emails with valid Facebook accounts. Any user who maintains a Facebook account with that email address will be given the option to like your page. You might want to hold off on doing this until you have some content on your page, though.

For content, you’re going to want to post and schedule several posts for the coming days. Ideally, you’ll post interesting industry content, content from your blog, content from other partner blogs and general interest content your users like. You might not know what works best yet, but time and study will reveal those secrets to you.

Once you have some content, you can upload your mailing list. You can also employ other techniques for growing your page, including running paid ads if you have the budget to do so.

Step 3: Funnel the Audience to a Monetized Page

This is the first of the two options you have to monetize your Facebook Page, and it’s not entirely just monetizing Facebook. See, the primary purpose of this method is to funnel people away from Facebook and on to pages where people can actually earn you money.

See, you can’t just run affiliate ads on Facebook. They don’t even really like affiliate links, though you can get away with those in organic posts. So, instead, you lead people off-site and on to your own website, blog, or storefront.

You can do this through ads and you can do this through posting content on your site and linking to it on Facebook. In fact, you should be doing both. Every person who visits your site from Facebook is a possible conversion.

You can’t really use optimized landing pages in organic posts. Facebook doesn’t like organic posts being dominated by such advertising. They’ll deliver a hit to your organic reach and make it harder for your other messages to make it through. Ads, however, can and should always link to an optimized landing page.

Once the users have left Facebook and landed on your website, you have all the flexibility and power of SEO and conversion rate optimization available to use.

Step 4: Create a Facebook App Store

The second option available is to run a store directly on Facebook. If you do this, you can potentially eliminate off-site marketing entirely. It’s not as effective as having your own store – people prefer to shop off Facebook, and you lose the presence of a good blog – but it’s perfectly acceptable.

There are a number of services you can use to set up a store in a tab app, including Shopify. The idea is that the service will create and host a storefront for you, and Facebook will become the portal to that store.

Note that such a store is in a tab app, which is somewhat limited in use on Facebook. You have one space in the top bar for your store to be labeled, but it’s not a fancy graphical label like tabs used to be. The graphical label is on the left sidebar some ways down the page. It’s not a lot, so you have to put a little extra effort into linking directly to your shop at every opportunity, so people know where to find it.

Step 5: Engage, Maintain, Grow

Once you have the path to monetization set up, everything else is about maintenance and growth. You have to grow your fan base, which you can do by posting compelling content and running advertisements that ask for page likes. You have to engage those users so they keep seeing your posts and thus are continually exposed to the idea of your business, leading them to like you more and potentially convert. And, of course, you have to maintain your store and your sales funnel so that you never miss sales due to a broken line of code or a missing product.

Your bread and butter with this process is going to be Insights. Study your Facebook insights and learn your audience. Cater your messages and your products to their needs and desires. Get them where they want it, and they’ll give you money to do so.

New Methods

As of 2018, there are a few new methods you can use to generate revenue: sponsored posts and shoutouts, selling products, and dropshipping. However, reach is also more delicate these days, so you don’t want to annoy your fanbase. Look into the 80/20 rule, which says 80% of your content should be useful or funny content that isn’t business-related, and 20% should be on any of the above; things that could potentially drive revenue to your page. Users don’t log into Facebook just to be sold things, they want to see what their favorite people and brands are up to. So, don’t sell too hard, and focus on creating great content.


  1. Stephen Costello


    So since you can’t use ads or buy now links, you have to link out to sites to make most of the money, correct?

  2. Bubbie Gunter


    Grrrrrrr…. James, I am a marketing. In other words, I know all the right words to say! 1) Begin with an introduction to the article writer… 2) Point out how good of a job they done…. 3) Use the author’s keyword in comments (it helps their post rank in Google)… Etc… BUT..I started this one with a growl..why? Because, I searched for how to monetize a Facebook page, the information first off was GREAT (especially tip #4), because I was on the fence rather to turn my “Business/Fan” Page into a “Sales” page or all about ME (like the “guru’s suggest)! So, through my search I found your article. Sure, I could point out your “Freebies” Tab where you have GREAT stuff… But, I have ONE question: “In Step 2, you state to us (your readers) but you omitted HOW to do that…” After reading how well you write, I will give you an opportunity to redeem yourself (LOL)… Tell us HERE “How Do You Upload YOUR list to Facebook to search like #2 stated?” Anxiously awaiting an answer… Bubbie Gunter

    • James Parsons


      Hey Bubbie! Thanks for your comment. This article was written by me a few years ago (in 2015), and while most of the advice hasn’t changed, some of the features on Facebook have. One of them is the ability to upload an email list and invite them as fans to like your page, which I believe is no longer an option. However, if you have an email list of your subscribers, you can still run a Custom Audiences ad campaign towards those emails. You upload the emails and run a couple of small campaigns towards those users with those email addresses. Since the audience is so small (thousands compared to bilions), it would be a long-term drip type campaign where you’re paying a few cents here and there for your email subscribers to see and like your page. It’s unfortunate Facebook removed this feature, but aside from contacting your email subscribers and asking them to become a fan of your page, the only option to do this with a file upload is by running an ad and uploading the emails you want to target. I hope this helps!

  3. Tafari Harper


    I was trying to find out where do i go to connect my account and tax ID number in to start collecting on my page

    • James Parsons


      Hi Tafari, Facebook doesn’t actually have an ad model where you can earn from ads on your page, so there’s no area like this in Facebook currently.

  4. Faisal


    Content creator now has two platforms to publish content on to earn more; Instant Articles is another way to earn money by sharing your blog post.

  5. Fred


    How do I select one of those options?

  6. greg grant


    Hey James, Thanks for your post. I have a question that you might be able to help with. I have written a number of posts to large facebook closed groups which get a lot of likes (thousands) and comments. I would like to monetize these and am not sure how to do this. I am concerned that linking from my post on this closed group to a new Facebook page might cause them to stop posts I make. Separately, how do i monetize the new pages I set up?

  7. prasad


    my Facebook account is converted to page .this page is eligible for make money ?

  8. Pranita deshpande


    What action actually we have to take to start revenue? Or fb itself give automatically revenue with our engaged contents.

  9. juan


    Hi James I have a Facebook Page that i started about 6 Weeks ago and I have a pretty sustain grow, I’ve total about 30k on Post Reach, 10K engagements and I have about 700 Followers so far but since This is the first Page I make and Im Lost with the monetization part. I’ve been pretty focused On Growing my audience and I don’t know what’s the most successful way to monetize. Should i Start with monetization now or should I wait to Have a more Robust Audience?

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