
Active Twitter Followers

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Our Permanent Fans Guarantee

Orders are covered by our Permanent Fans Guarantee. These fans are guaranteed and any lost fans will be replaced free of charge for the duration of your campaign.

Thousands of Companies Rely on Boostlikes (Yes, we really do work with them)

What is the difference between active and the regular service?

A couple of things. One, active followers tend to perform better and are treated more fairly from Twitter's algorithm. Because the people are regular users on Twitter, their profiles hold more weight. They also tend to stick better for this reason, and we have very few instances where followers are lost, making drop-off replacements a non-issue. Lastly, due to their higher price tag, we're able to provide a higher maximum limit on the amount of followers we can provide; much higher than our standard Twitter followers service.

Are these guaranteed like your other Twitter service?

Yes, both services are guaranteed. This service is intended for business accounts, verified accounts, or anybody else who wants a premium service and the best we have to offer. If you're looking to buy followers for another account, or simply give your profile a small boost, you will be satisfied with our other Twitter service. If you want more than 5,000 followers at a time, this service is a much better fit, as they are faster and much more effective in larger quantities.

Can I expect drop-off?

Generally, about a 10% drop-off rate is to be expected from users unfollowing you after they see some of your tweets. Some followers may decide to no longer follow you, or decide that your content isn't interesting to them, which is completely normal during a growth campaign like this. For this reason, we over-deliver on all of our campaigns by over 10% so that you'll always receive what you ordered.

Can I order a custom campaign?

Yes! Drop us an email. We handle custom orders all the time, and if you have many different profiles you'd like to promote, or if you have something else in mind, we can put together a custom order tailored to your exact specifications.

What is the drip-feed option?

Drip-feeding is for people who want their followers to come in slowly and naturally each month, and not all at once. If you prefer your followers to come in organically over a long period of time, instead of in the same week, our drip-fed option is likely the best choice for you. We also discount these campaigns, so you'll save some money as well.

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