What is The Facebook Reach and Frequency Buying Option?
“Reach and Frequency” is an option for setting up Faceb…
The 5 Best Facebook Like Plugins for a WordPress Site
Facebook and WordPress are two sides of one massive polyhedral shape…
Instagram Is Bigger than Twitter: Which Is Better for Marketing?
Twitter and Instagram are very different social networks, but they h…
Guide to Reclaiming a Hacked Twitter Account
Have you ever wondered who sent the first tweet, and when? That would b…
Does Buying Likes Negatively Affect Your Reach?
Buying likes on Facebook has earned a bad rap over the last, well, fore…
How to Create a Facebook Page for a Local Business
There are a few good reasons why you might not have made a Facebook page…
How to Get Your First 100 Facebook Fan Page Likes
There’s a lot of information available for growing from a few h…
Simple Etiquette to Follow for Posting on Twitter
Twitter, when done properly, looks effortless.  That said, it…
Complete List of Facebook Page Categories and Subcategories
One of the first things you need to do when creating a Facebook page for…
How to Get Facebook Fans from The United Kingdom
Sometimes, a business wants to target audiences that aren’t i…