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The Definitive Guide to Becoming Twitter Famous

Boostlikes • Updated on January 1, 2023
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As one of the top social media networks on the Internet, Twitter is known for its fast-paced social media sharing feature. Whether for professional or personal use, Twitter is a valuable social media platform for all types of users. Even though many users want to be Twitter famous across the network, it doesn’t mean they need to be a red carpet celebrity to become popular. With a few tips and tricks, getting the Twitter famous status can help you in many ways, from expanding your business exposure to boosting your rank in search engines.

1. Choose your niche.

With a variety of topics you can talk about, choose one that most people love to talk about. By choosing a popular topic, you can gain more followers that are interested in it. However, it takes more than choosing a popular niche. It’s important to know about the topic you choose and write a short, interesting blurb about it. With a 140-character limit in tweets to share your thoughts, capturing your audience’s attention is the key to gaining followers. Create tweets that engage your followers by asking questions, such as what they think about a certain article. Not only do you want to choose a popular niche, but you also want to choose one that you can talk about on a regular basis and with passion. Some trendy niches include celebrity gossip, health and fitness, beauty, and technology. You can take it a step further by carving out your own niche in one of these common topics. For example, if you choose health and fitness, you can focus on yoga as your specific niche. By doing so, you’re able to narrow down your target audience and offer valuable information to them.

2. Follow other Twitter accounts.

In order to gain followers, you must take the initiative to follow others. When you follow others, you’re able to make your presence known on Twitter. With millions of users on Twitter each day, it can be easy to lose it. Follow people who are in the same niche as you or are related to your niche in a way. By doing this, you expose yourself to others who have similar interests as you do, which can give you a boost in follower count. However, take it slow when you follow people. Following hundreds of people in a day can look like you’re a spammer. Even on the Internet, first impressions are important, so follow people on Twitter every other day sparingly. You can also follow people you personally know before you follow other people.

3. Interact with your followers.

Since Twitter is a social media site, it’s an online venue that encourages interaction with other members. When you socialize with your followers, this shows that you’re not just on Twitter to promote your business or become Twitter famous for the wrong reasons. If a follower tweets you, respond with a tweet back. If a follower asks you a question, answer them in a timely manner. Being social and fun to chat with online can help you gain more followers as well.

4. Utilize SEO.

Thanks to Twitter, hashtags are now a component of search engines. Before posting tweets, research what keywords are trending on Twitter that are related to your posts. You can also search for keywords off Twitter and find ones that can be used on Twitter for users to find your profile. However, use your keywords sparingly in your tweets. When it comes to hashtags, less is more. If you stuff your posts with hashtags, it can look like spam and prevent you from gaining followers.

5. Share your Twitter account link on other social media accounts.

If you have other social media accounts, create a link to your Twitter account on them. This helps your fans or followers on other social media networks to find your Twitter account and follow you on there. By having followers from other social media sites on Twitter, you can have a solid foundation of followers before expanding your audience. It also gives your profile credibility.

When attempting to achieve your Twitter famous status, understand that it might not happen overnight unless you buy your followers from a company. By establishing a reputable Twitter profile and following these tips, you can gradually see your follower count increase. Before you know it, you can have thousands of followers on Twitter that are interested in what you have to offer.


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