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How to Find New Customers on Facebook

Boostlikes • Updated on November 3, 2021
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As you probably already know, Facebook is a wonderful tool for linking up with potential customers, bringing traffic to your website and bringing people into your business. If you aren’t accustomed to marketing to people via Facebook and other social media outlets, however, the idea of getting started can be pretty overwhelming. Even if you feel as if you don’t know where to start, however, you shouldn’t let his overwhelming feeling keep you from using Facebook; if you do, you could miss out on a whole lot of business and can keep your company from succeeding as it should. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways that you can find new customers on Facebook and bring in the business that you and your business deserve.

Add People

It’s easy to find people in your local area and to invite them to like your company’s Facebook page, and you might be surprised by the sheer number of fans — and customers — that you can bring in in this manner. Look for people in your area who suit your demographic; for example, if you run a women’s clothing store, look for women in the target age group. A lot of people are shocked to see it when businesses add them on Facebook, so you might get more of a positive reception than you think.

Interact Regularly With Your Current Fans

If you already have fans on Facebook, do what you can to interact with them regularly. If someone posts something on your page, make sure that you respond to it. For example, those who praise your website should be responded to and thanked for their kind words, and those who complain should be asked what you can do to make the situation a little better. You should also consider responding to questions to help guide your fans. By responding regularly, people will feel as if you and your business are a lot more accessible, and those who are on the fence about giving your company a try just might do it because of your strong customer service skills. Even those who don’t might tell their friends about the positive experience.

Post Interesting Status Updates


Your status updates on Facebook provide you with a valuable way to stay in touch with customers and those who are potential customers and can really help you bring in business from your fans. You can let your followers and fans know about any upcoming promotions or deals that you might have going on, or you can post valuable coupons and special offers that can bring them through your doors.

Posting interesting status updates can also help you and your company’s Facebook page to go viral. Your current followers will probably want to share your status updates with all of their friends if they are incredibly interesting or informative or if you are offering a really good deal that they would like to pass along to their friends. Believe it or not, going viral in this manner is one of the very best ways to bring in tons of traffic and followers and to expand your business, and it’s a completely free way of reaching a much larger audience. A lot of people won’t even feel as if you are advertising your business; instead, they will feel as if good friends on their Facebook pages have shared these things with them. This can help your company grow in a major way.

Offering links to your Facebook profile on your company’s website or blog or elsewhere on the Internet can encourage people to check out your profile and to “like” your page. This can help you stay in touch with these individuals and can also increase your chances of going viral among their friends.

These are a few really good tips and tricks for using Facebook as a means of bringing in more customers for your business than you probably ever imagined. In fact, a lot of people are completely shocked by how much their Facebook pages have helped them to bring in business, and you could be surprised as well when you start seeing an influx of new business coming through your doors or checking out your website after you have followed these tips for Facebook marketing.


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