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Five Twitter Marketing Software Programs to Build Followers

Boostlikes • Updated on November 28, 2021
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Anybody who has been on the Internet for more than ten minutes knows how prominent social media is. Anybody in marketing is also aware of how important social media websites, much like Twitter, are to building a loyal fan base comprised of prospective customers, creating a healthy business atmosphere for a business of any size.

Having a major fan base makes it easy to create real brand recognition, which goes a long way toward getting better page rankings and a healthier means of profit in general. Twitter is one of the most important tools to help achieve these goals, and the number way to do that is to get a high number of followers to one’s account.

Naturally, it’s not always very easy to try and get a high number of followers, which causes many businesses to seek out alternative means of achieving this landmark, such as using marketing software programs to help build a base.

Why Build Followers?

There are a number of reasons why a company would want to build followers through marketing software programs. Business can use this as a means of branding, and there is no denying the fact that having a high number of followers directly correlates with how important that user is perceived to be. For example, clubs who want to host bands will certainly look for those who have a high following since bands with low following will appear to be less favored.

Even when the followers are not actually real people, the clout that you will obtain from having this number will definitely be real; you can go from being an every day small business to becoming a true professional in your field all because the big guys have noticed how many followers you actually have. There have even been actual cases of people who have been hired due to their high number of Twitter users showing that they are an authoritative source on a subject.

How to Build Followers


There are a few different approaches to take, among which include buying cheap followers. However, the services that are the cheapest will typically only provide robot followers that are very obviously fake to anybody who checks. These bot followers are known clearly as generated followers, and paying a bit more will get you followers that also have pictures and biographies.

Buying fake followers can often get you into credibility troubles, which makes buying real followers preferred; keep in mind, however, that it will not be quite as cheap as getting generated robot followers. The general premise with these programs is that it will find real users that have similar interests to what you offer and follow them, banking on the fact that they will also follow back.

Five Programs to Build Followers

If you’re ready to make the jump into buying targeted Twitter followers, there are a few different software programs that will help make this a reality.

  • TweetAdder: TweetAdder is one of the more popular marketing software programs for Twitter. With names like Ellen DeGeneres, the creator of R2-D2, Bill Gates and Ashton Kutcher floating around, this program promises to deliver real, high-quality followers at a rate that is far faster than can be done manually.
  • Boostlikes: This is a group that promises it can provide real followers that are also active, regularly update through tweets (as well as Facebook likes) and are engaged in the users that they follow. To back this promise, Boostlikes offers an unconditional lifetime warranty.
  • TweetDeck: Find and reach out to millions of potential Twitter accounts to build your Twitter following, follow others in your niche and build relationships, and grow your Twitter account to a respectable size and following. Remember, having an established Twitter account is much more than just raw followers; you need to keep your followers engaged!
  • Devumi: This is a program that does not require passwords or forces you to follow users as a means of getting new followers. There are also other means of payments outside of credit cards and does not cost too much to get started.
  • FollowerSale: This is a program that encourages real users to engage in follow-for-follow with its customers and businesses, which results in an active community of real followers.

Above all, the best programs for building followers will provide users that are both real and active; be aware of programs that need information that seems unnecessary for using a Twitter account.

Other Ways to Build Followers


Whether you’ve decided to buy Twitter followers or not, there are other ways to help build your base naturally. On top of that, these followers will be more valuable in the long run as you will have taken the time to build a true relationship with them.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do is target those who are in your industry; get the attention of those who have their own following; a single retweet to an account like this could help you gain several followers almost overnight. Tweeting during peak hours, meaning more people are likely to see what you updated, is also a useful way to help build your follower base.

Regardless of the methods you take to build your follower base on Twitter, there are nearly an endless number of measures to take and possibilities once you have successfully made your brand recognizable through your Twitter account.


  1. Suzanne Rover


    Are these easy enough for your average person to use? Also, do you have any links to free Twitter software? I’d love to demo some programs that don’t cost anything 😉

  2. Casey Nardiello


    thank you for sharing these, I agree you should add more free ones!

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