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10 Facebook Marketing Tricks to Get Ahead

Boostlikes • Updated on June 23, 2023
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Despite its fluctuations on the stock market, Facebook remains one of the Internet’s greatest success stories. Starting as a small network designed for students in college, Facebook has boomed to become one of the world’s most important communication portals. While Facebook is great for connection individuals with each other, it also performs well as a platform for connecting marketers with potential customers. Fully utilizing Facebook, however, can be a bit challenging, and some concerted effort is necessary for success. Here are 10 Facebook marketing tricks to get ahead of the competition and make it one of you top marketing resources.

1. Post Regularly

While it may seem obvious, succeeding on Facebook requires creating actual posts. Too many business view their Facebook pages as Internet business cards. By having a presence, they hope to gather followers and improve their branding. While a minimal presence is better than no presence, the gains will be marginal.

Posting regularly allows you to build a personal connection with current and prospective customers. Facebook posts have a humanizing effect on businesses, and those who post content that readers enjoy can foster positive interactions. Don’t let your Facebook page go stale; it’s too important to be neglected.

2. Don’t Post too Much

While failing to post is a mistake, posting too frequently is a mistake as well. Your followers want to see what you have to say, but too many posts can cause them to block them out. Even worse, posting too much may even cause followers to unfollow you.

It can be difficult to determine how many posts are too many, but watching successful accounts can provide some guidance. If you find that your individual posts are garnering less attention than they used to, it may be a sign that your posting schedule is too frequent. Slow it down, and focus on quality over quantity.

3. Remember Your Goals

Facebook can be fun. In some cases, it can even be a bit too fun. After falling in love with the platform, some Facebook account managers begin to view it primarily as a fun way to interact with users and forget their original goals.

Write down you goals as soon as possible, and check you activity regularly to ensure that your posts are working toward achieving you particular goals. It’s okay to have a bit of fun on occasion, but the general direction of your postings should be toward making sales, getting users to sign up for you service of whatever else your goal may be.

4. Avoid Being Spammy


Users are okay with advertising, and many people enjoy non-intrusive advertisements from companies they like. However customers hate spam, and any content that is determined to be spammy can cause anger among you followers. Resorting to spammy postings can cause your follower count to dwindle overnight.

Keeping your posts simple and to the point can help you keep your reputation intact. In addition, looking at how others run their advertisements can help you find the right tone for your sales-driven posts. Listen to feedback; customers will let you know if your posts cross a line.

5. Interact with Customers

The beauty of Facebook lies in how it encourages communication. While the benefits of this communication are most obvious for communication between individuals, there is no reason why businesses can’t benefit as well.

Linking to polls can be a great way to engage with you followers. Simply asking questions can generate significant feedback. You can also hold small competitions related to you company or its products and services. Customers enjoy these interactions, and they can help improve how others view your company.

6. Paid Advertisements Work

While Google remains the most powerful online marketing source, Facebook has proven to be lucrative for countless companies of all sizes. In addition, Facebook advertisements can be used to increase you followers count, which can lead to years of useful contacts. AdWords can be great for getting a sale; Facebook ads can be great for building a lucrative relationship.

It is important to carefully track ad performance and try new strategies regularly. Having a positive return-on-investment is essential for succeeding with Facebook advertisements, so take the time needed to ensure that your ads are as effective as possible.

7. Ask for Help


After building a strong relationship with your followers, you may be surprised at how helpful they can be. Asking your followers to share you posts with their friends can be effective, which can help increase the numbers of eyes that see your content significantly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

However, it is important to avoiding asking for help too frequently. Eventually, your followers may see you as being exploitative if you ask for too much supports, and they may stop providing help altogether. Make sure your requests come only occasionally.

8. Integrate Your Online Presence

When thinking about their online marketing efforts, many people put their online properties in separate boxes. Their website is viewed as distinct from their social media accounts, and their advertising campaigns are viewed as largely self-contained.

In reality, these properties work best when they are integrated. If you post something new to your website, encourage your Facebook followers to take a look. Likewise, encourage visitors on you website to check out your Facebook page. Integrated campaigns can increase the effectiveness of all you online properties.

9. Try to go Viral

It is impossible to accurately predict what will go viral; if it were more predictable, everyone would be doing it. Still, the benefits creating viral content make it a worthwhile, if lofty, goal. Viral content has the ability to expand you viewer base by many orders of magnitude, and converting even a small fraction of these users can be lucrative.

Follow the latest web trends, and note what content seems to spend. In addition, try to find unique types of content that have not been used extensively. Be bold with your attempt to go viral. As long as you don’t spam users, it never hurts to try repeatedly.

10. Go Graphical

Too often, businesses have Facebook pages with nothing more than text content. While text content is crucial, users sometimes block it out when their feeds become full. Even if you are not the world’s best photographer or graphic artist, you can use images to add a bit of flair to your timeline.

Internet memes make it easy to add interesting, entertaining visual content to your posts. Quick photographs are also easy to add, and they don’t have to be of professional quality to have an impact. In general, you should seek to add a graphical element to most of your posts.

In many way, it is amazing that that Facebook is as young as it is. Despite is young age, however, Facebook has become one of the most important Internet properties. Its popularity and social aspects make is an essential target for businesses of all sizes, and those who fail to capitalize on it risk losing a significant amount of business. Fortunately, even modest efforts can help you reach out to Facebook users and form personal bonds with your current and potential customers, and those who put effort into fostering their presence stand to benefit tremendously.


  1. Jeremiah Samborski


    Some great advice here. Facebook simply works. Most people dont know how well it can work for interaction and building a user base. Thank for the lesson

  2. Donna Vanfleet


    Nice job putting this guide together, it will help me assist up my local client’s Facebook pages

  3. Rahul Bhatia


    Great List of Tricks!!

  4. Jeff L.


    Good write up , will save this for when I am beginning the social media campaign for our site

  5. Manpreet


    Amazing article! Very helpful. Thanks

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