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5 Must Read Books on Facebook Marketing and Social Media

Boostlikes • Updated on October 8, 2023
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In today’s digital realm, it is imperative to connect with your target audience, limit the frequency of messages directed towards your target audience and establish a system or method for evaluating progress or failure in effort to maximize effective marketing strategies. Individuals, organizations, and businesses in every corner of the world are becoming increasingly creative in their quest to reach a wide range of consumers with their messages. These seemingly easy access opportunities can be capitalized on due to a variety of social media, technology and e-marketing outlets.

Contrary to popular belief, social media is not simply a platform for mindless roaming and unproductive chatter. If utilized to its maximum potential, marketing within social media outlets can prove to be very effective in increasing client and business relationships.

The following 5 books are essential reads to any individual, entrepreneur, business or organization that wants to achieve success in Facebook and social media marketing:

1. Audience:

Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans and Followers by Jeffrey K. Rohrs (2013): Rohrs does an extraordinary job in this book, speaking to the importance of finding and developing profitable relationships in social media outlets. Throughout this work, he explains what he calls The Audience Imperative theory, which challenges all companies to use their paid, owned, and earned media to not only sell in the short-term but also increase the size, engagement, and value of their proprietary audiences over the long-term. Audience is a guide to navigating various social networks and their features to best identify how marketing through the specified outlet can either help or hinder continued success.

In his book, Rohrs seeks to show concrete ways to make lasting impressions, gain competitive advantages over others, and how to effectively leverage sites such as your person email, Facebook, Google, Instagram, mobile apps, SMS, Twitter, website, and YouTube.

2. Klout Matters by Gina Carr and Terry Brock (2013):

Is my brand relevant? Do I have strong influences within social media markets? These are the questions that Klout propels your business to answer. Most people are not aware of this platform and how it can impact their business significantly. A Klout score whether high or low can affect job prospects, customer service complaint handlings, and whether you are recognized as an expert in your industry. In Klout Matters, Gina and Terry show you what is Klout, why it is important and unheard of, and tools to raise and improve your Klout score with an advantage. The format is written as a step-by-step guide that will provide immediate action oriented methods to implement. Don’t let poor reputation damage your image before you get started in social networks. This book is a tool for all who recognize the immediate effects of a good brand or vice versa. Klout is a true informative way to understand how to stay ahead of the marketing competition and rise to the top as an expert and credible source in your perspective field.

3. Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk (2013):


Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times bestselling author and social media expert that explains exactly how social media marketing strategies really work. He gives the example that when marketers outline their social media strategies, they typically plan for the “right hook” — their next sale that’s going to knock out competition. He further goes on to explain that while content matters, its not solely about developing high-quality content, but its just as important to developing high-quality content that is adapted to a specific social media platform and/or mobile device. Vaynerchuk shows us how to go deeper in this work by making tailoring content to such as outlets as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and more

4. Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media and Blogs by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah (2009):

If you want a unique perspective on marketing in the 21st Century, this book will quench your thirst, as it challenges the traditional marketing methods of pushing your message out and instead seeks to encourage readers to draw their audience inward. Read as a how-to guide the book teaches readers about search engine optimization strategies, growing and nurturing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter communities as well as measuring successful online blogs and overall outcomes. Struggling with a new trend does not need to be a hassle because people are using online social technologies such as blogs, social networking sites, YouTube, and podcasts to express product reviews, customer engagement and more. A new updated version will release this year and might be worth checking out!

5. The Facebook Marketing Book by Dan and Allison Zurella (2011):

Although written in 2011, there are still many relevant and key pieces of information that allow a beginner or intermediate individual to navigate this social media giant. This book explains everything from Facebook etiquette, to tools and features used that can promote your brand, business or organization. There are also sections within the book that explain an overview of introductions to group pages, advertisements, various applications, events and more. This book is a must-have for those who are interested in increasing their basic understanding of Facebook and looking to expand to gain a wider perspective of the platform. The Facebook Marketing Book also shares how to create revenue from the outlet in ways that most people either never knew existed or how to work the system.


While there are many other reputable marketing and social media books that provide additional strategic information, this list provides a solid foundation for effective marketing solutions. Because the digital environment of social media is continuously evolving, it is recommended to continue searching new material and updated versions of these types of books. As a bonus, other updated social media marketing books to check out include: Think Like a Rock Star by Mark Collier, The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Kabani, Outsmarting Social Media by Evan Bailyn and 500 Social Media Marketing Tips by Andrew McCarthy. New titles and updated version for 2014 are already being prepared for release.

Taking advantage of social media marketing books, knowledge and research is key to communicating more effectively within the various platforms. It will also help you gage better what specific outlet is the best fit for your business, organization, or personal brand. It will become more of a burden than a benefit on individuals that believe social media does not need a strategy to be effective as valuable time and money can be wasted.

Social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Facebook and blogs have enabled everyone to speak up and speak out. With a crowded social atmosphere, everyone is striving for the attention of one another. Creating credibility and loyalty is an underlying, yet important factor in social media marketing. Businesses and individuals that understand their target audience, measure and follow up on success and failure, and continue to evolve within the scope of marketing strategies in social media will ultimately remain competitive to other businesses and organizations, as well as retain customers, clients and build long-lasting relationships.


  1. Ethan Dahlman


    Thanks for this list. I’ve never read any books on Facebook but maybe I’ll have to check some of these out.

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