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How to Fight Spam on Your Facebook Business Page

Boostlikes • Updated on February 19, 2023
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Managing a Facebook business page is not only a way for you to easily share news and product releases relevant to your company, but it is also an additional platform to make real connections with your online followers and customers. If you have a Facebook business page for your company, there are a few ways to go about fighting spam that can ensure you keep your brand’s page appearing as you desire. Ridding spam from your Facebook business page also has its own advantages that can ultimately help to boost sales or increase the number of followers you have online altogether.

The Benefits of Ridding Spam From Your Facebook Business Page

Even if you do not mind the spam posts on your Facebook business page, ridding them altogether helps to improve the overall professionalism your brand gives off to visitors who may eventually become online followers and potential customers. When you rid the spam from your Facebook business page, it is also much easier for users to find the content and updates they are looking for, rather than being required to dig through hundreds of posts that are not useful, relevant or informative. Ridding the spam regularly from your Facebook business page is another way to avoid getting overloaded with spam-related posts, links and uploads to your page.

When you do not have spam and you are promoting a business or brand online, it is much easier to capture the attention of online visitors who may also become customers depending on the type of products, services or content you have to offer. If a user is not familiar with your brand and views your Facebook business page to find spam links and content, they are less likely to take your company and objective seriously.

Additionally, a page with overwhelming spam links and information shows that there is a lack of effort or updates, which may turn away potential fans and customers or clients. You may also lose credibility and your reputation in the industry you work in when you avoid monitoring the level of spam updates and posts your pages are receiving at all times.

Remove Single Posts

Whether you have created the Facebook business page you are managing yourself or if you have been set to an “Admin” within the page’s settings from the owner, it is possible to remove single posts that include spam links, content or information. Removing a single post from your Facebook business page wall, photos or other areas that allow comments is possible by first hovering over the content you want to remove. Once you use your mouse to hover over the post you would like to delete from your business page, a “X” symbol will appear in the upper right corner of the content itself. Clicking the X will give you the option to “Remove Post”, ridding the post completely from public view. Removing a single post is ideal if you are dealing with a one-time event. However, when you come in contact with an online troll or a user who is dedicated to sharing hate or abuse, it may be time to consider reporting the post and the user him or herself to Facebook directly.

Report Posts as Abuse


If you are receiving posts that are sharing dangerous links, spreading hate or promoting illegal activity, it is also possible to report specific posts and users for abuse. When you want to report a specific post for abuse, hover the content and click the “X” that appears in the upper right corner. You can then select “Report Post as Abuse“, which will prompt you to enter in detailed information regarding the post or to select specific categories in which the post itself falls within. Reporting a post as abuse should only be done in serious instances that pose a threat or potential harm along with sharing illegal activity, racism or hate speech.

Block Users From Your Page Completely

It is also possible to block users who are posting spam content on your Facebook business page by hovering the content in question, selecting the “X” icon that appears, and choosing “Ban [Offender’s Name]”. Additionally, it is also possible to ban a specific user from accessing and posting to your Facebook brand page from your Facebook business page admin area. Within the Facebook page admin area, select “See Likes”, from within the Get More Likes section of the panel. You will then be provided with a list of users and those who have recently posted to your page, which you have the option of selecting the “X” to ban the user permanently.

When you have a user who is commenting on your page’s Timeline, banning them can be done by viewing your business page’s Timeline itself, locating the post, and hovering the post to find the “X” icon. After selecting the “X” icon, choose “Delete”, followed by “Delete and Ban User” to both ban the user and delete the post simultaneously.

Blocking a user entirely from your page should only be done in the most extreme circumstances. When you remove a user from your online page, they may quickly lose interest in your brand or business personally. Additionally, it is important to consider the backlash your brand may receive and whether you are justified in removing a user from your page.

The more time you take to assess the situation you are in with a potential client, customer or an online follower, the more likely you are to find a solution that works for both you and the individual with an issue. It is important to distinguish between users sharing their opinions and slandering a company or brand, which is why establishing solid and loyal relationships with your customers and clients online is essential.

Filter Your Page’s Content

With the recently updates to Facebook, you can now filter your page’s content if you want to rid all spam content in one sitting without digging through all of the updates you have shared online with your followers. Filtering your page’s content can be done by viewing the brand page you are trying to promote and grow, and selecting the “Spam” header when choosing between viewing your posts and posts of you followers. The “Spam” section helps to decipher potential spam-related posts, unwanted links and even potentially harmful links or content that has been shared publicly with your followers. Using the Spam button to filter your page’s content is highly recommended if you want to ensure you are only publishing high-quality safe information and links to all of your users. Spend time each day filtering the amount of content that is posted to your brand’s online Facebook business page to ensure you are not missing any dangerous or spam-related links.

The more actively engaged you stay with maintaining your online Facebook business page and other social media pages you have for your company, the easier it becomes to spot spam posts and users to quickly rid the problem. Staying updated and involved with the posts on your Facebook business page is a way for you to also keep your brand appearing more professional and credible, regardless of the industry you represent or the type of site you are promoting.


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