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10 Tricks to Get Inexpensive Traffic with Facebook Retargeting

Boostlikes • Updated on December 18, 2023
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The popularity of social media has created an excellent platform for online channel marketing. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is especially well suited to search engine results on Facebook. The release of Facebook Exchange (FBX) established the next phase in online advertising. Full-service integration of channel marketing as part of a Facebook membership maximizes the potential of any advertising campaign.

Retargeting of an online advertising campaign in FBX illustrates how social networking is contributing to the development of the world’s largest channel marketing sphere. Facebook, the site that has over 1 billion active users offers advertisers a number of retargeting strategies. Marketing specialists seeking to enhance advertising return on investment (ROI) during the course of campaign, can use retargeting to reconfigure an existing effort according to incremental performance. Here are ten efficient and cost-effective ways to increase traffic with Facebook:

1. Prospecting

Before an actual retargeting campaign can begin, it is important to define the rationale for changes in an existing or repeat initiative. Online advertising campaigns are designed to channel consumers to point-of-sale, but it is important to establish clear benchmarks and strategic sign posts to trigger retargeting at the appropriate time. Changes must also be precise. Without justification, retargeting strategies may not be any more effective than the existing elements of a former campaign.

2. Site Retargeting

‘Tracking cookie will follow’, so the online advertising saying goes. Where an ad spot shows up has much to do with the relationship between browser and user. When site retargeting, narrow new ad placement strategy to visitors who have already signed up with your website, or purchased. Knowledge about past behavior by converted visitors indicates they are potential repeat customers.

The same site retargeting strategy can be used to capture information about people who failed to complete the sign up process. Site retargeting strategy requires monitoring of website shopping and payment processes. Transaction records provide the most information about customers, followed by page record of abandoned shopping cart processes.

3. Search Retargeting

The traditional retargeting tactic used by online advertisers, search retargeting with keyword changes the distribution of advertising campaign content according to new terms. When a search retargeting strategy is deployed, the results to search engine requests generate top of page or side-bar observations according i the new keywords. Search retargeting requires no market research on consumers, and instead is based exclusively on keyword aggregation.

4. Conversion Retargeting

Record of view-through conversions from PPC advertising or website traffic reports where page trends are supplied, offers one metric used in advertising campaign retargeting. Ratio comparison of number of people arriving at a website homepage after clicking an ad, with POS is a common measure of conversion retargeting.

5. Content Retargeting


Fresh content is eye catching. Content retargeting is method of diversifying a campaign. If a company is running more than one ad campaign, differentiation of details relevant to special offers, products and services may be required. Brand identity is an important factor in any online campaign. The use of content retargeting to manage a brand is a strong call to action. Content should channel users to a landing page for conversion. If this is not the result of a campaign, re-design of content may be in order.

6. Social Retargeting

The vast potential of social networking sites for advertising is sourced in shared social interests. Social retargeting is one of the easiest retargeting strategies. Using a group feature allows members to send targeted messages within a social network.

7. Behavioral Retargeting

Based existing data drawn from sector or website metrics, traffic reporting informs behavioral retargeting of an ad campaign along the lines of popular sentiment, and aggregate search.

8. Placement Retargeting

Shortly after Facebook FBX launched its advertising platform, the introduction of News Feed placement seduced marketing specialists away from the traditional right-side bar observation format. Given a choice, advertisers now prefer placement retargeting to FBX News Feed. Performance is in the pudding.

9. Geo Retargeting

FBX also offers incredible potential in Geo retargeting. By using the Facebook Location feature to add targeted marketing demographics, including city or region to an online advertising campaign, an advertiser can generate more traffic. If an advertising campaign is correlated to an event, or directed at a specific population in a region, Location improves precision of conversion of site visitors by linking them to a local members’ homepage. If location is relevant to a campaign, geo retargeting to increase response to an online channel marketing campaign.

10. Programmatic Site Retargeting

Building on past success is yet another method of generating new customers. Retargeting brand identity based on the structure competencies of a former campaign is a much used campaign strategy. Replicable model strategies support continuity during a new campaign. Use search engine management (SEM) tools to forge new directions, without losing vital elements of campaign.

Retargeting with tools and a replicable model that has proven results also affords reduction of pricy mistakes. Relevancy is key as an online campaign is only as strong as the data behind it. By using programmatic site retargeting, data drives decision. Use the dataset from a previous campaign to target referral sites or other connections that will provide the most ROI in advertising.


Rules of road when designing a retargeting strategy include using frequency caps to eliminate risk of excessive observations by the same customers. While alerting customers is key to churn, loyalty rests where respect is retained. One way of ensuring that retargeting risks are reduced to a minimum is to use one vendor to platform the strategy. By using only one retargeting vendor, waste and data leakage is avoided.

Multi-scale campaigns can still be run off of one platform. If more than one vendor is used for PPC advertising, ad exchanges may be mutually bid against. The result: higher prices for each impression. Tracking will be packaged different as well. Review the reliability of a vendor’s analytics reporting to ensure that metrics are risk observant and up to speed.

By making ample use of Facebook Exchange, retargeting an advertising campaign will be far easier. Testing ads on FBX is reliable. Conducting feasibility testing of an ad will provide preliminary indicators about forthcoming performance. FBX also allows for integration of first party and third party data for aggregated measurement of results.

In general, page views alone are a weak indicator of advertising performance. Focus on differentiation among click-through and view-through conversions in development of a retargeting strategy for optimum performance. Remember, retargeting data is customer data. Convergence of the two offers the most comprehensive insight into how a campaign is doing.

Finally, avoid running generic content ads. The online environment is host to a high density of information. Competitive advantage sought in a retargeting strategy should illustrate an obvious connection with an advertiser’s brand, and contain value added elements with enough energy to generate ROI beyond marketing budget.

Use Facebook FBX to retarget an online advertising campaign. FBX promotes greater profits and coverts more customers online than any other social networking platform. Learn the tricks of getting inexpensive traffic with Facebook Retargeting. Ad retargeting is the most powerful vehicle for generating exceptional marketing return on investment.


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