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How to Create Tweets That Get Attention and Retweets

Boostlikes • Updated on December 14, 2022
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Whether you’re a freelance writer, a blogger or if you are trying to spread a message to the world, using Twitter has been known for creating buzz on topics ranging from politics and world news to local government and outrage over the end of relationships. Learning how to effectively creative tweets that get attention and retweets is a way for you to not only reach a wider audience, but it also gives you the potential to drive more traffic to your own Twitter page or personal blog and website you want to promote.

Consider The Audience You Are Trying to Reach

Consider the audience you want to reach and the readers you know will receive your Twitter updates before making a new post and publishing a tweet yourself. The more you are able to understand and identify with the audience of followers you want to reach, the easier it is to create a headline that is relevant and interesting to potential readers and possible clients or customers. Connecting with your readers and the type of content or media they are genuinely interested in themselves is a way to easily craft titles that are appropriate and refreshing.

Research News and Headlines

Staying up-to-date with the current trends and headlines that are relevant to your industry is also important when you want to craft tweets that are interesting and that will generate more views and clicks from followers and other users on Twitter. Researching the latest news and headlines within your industry or field is possible within magazines, local news reports and even by subscribing for keyword updates and alerts with free online services such as Google Alerts. Utilizing different research tools and methods to understand the latest trends in your business industry is a way for you to create the most relevant articles and links for your users to browse while online, helping to boost your popularity and the number of click-throughs you receive to your own website or blog.

Create a Genuine Headline That is Appealing

Creating genuine headlines using Twitter that are real and appealing is essential when you want to boost the number of followers and retweets you receive from your post. If you update your Twitter with “click bait”, which leads a user to spam or content that is not relevant to the title you posted yourself, you are much more likely to lose followers or to lose credibility from your professional reputation online. Ensuring the links and content you share are relevant, spam-free and not copies from other websites is a way to gain a genuine interest from your followers and online users.

Check Your Tweet for Grammar and Spelling Errors Before Publishing It


Whenever you update your Twitter and you want to get attention with your posts and potential retweets, ensure you check all of your tweets for potential grammar and spelling errors before any of your updates go live to your users and online followers. Ensuring you do not have any spelling or grammatical errors in all of your tweets not only helps others to find your tweets when they are seeking new information to retweet themselves, but it also helps to boost your professional credibility and reputation as a business or brand.

Shorten Your Tweets Using a Free Service

Using a free online service such as “Bit.Ly” is a way for you to shorten any URLs and links you plan to integrate within your Twitter updates and live tweets. Using a shortening service such as Bit.Ly is trustworthy and gives you the ability to share longer links without utilizing more characters than necessary, especially since all Twitter users are limited to 160 characters per tweet.

Use Relevant and Memorable Hashtags

Using memorable and relevant hashtags are also highly recommended if you want to create tweets that are capable of getting more attention and hashtags than traditional updates and messages. Following trends of your users online along with regional hashtag trends is another way for you to stay up-to-date with the latest news in your area of interest or that is relevant to your own brand or business. Using relevant and memorable hashtags is also another way for you to increase the number of retweets each of your tweets are capable of receiving. It is also important to include proper grammar and spelling within your hashtags, even if the words are combined together before the tweet itself is published. If you want more users to have the ability to openly search for and find your tweets with hashtags, it is important to verify that you are properly spelling any hashtag you have in place before making the update public.

Add Pictures and Additional Media

Adding pictures to your Twitter update increases your chances of receiving retweets as well as having others “favorite” your update and the tweet you have posted itself. When you attach pictures and other media such as video content to your Tweets and Twitter updates, you greatly increase the number of views your post is likely to receive from any of your followers or the users who have found your update and latest tweet using a search from Twitter with the use of hashtags.

Using high-quality photos and videos is another way to boost the number of views your tweet receives while also increasing the number of online followers your Twitter account has altogether. The more you update your followers with live videos and photos that are relevant to your brand, business or even to your personal life, the easier it becomes to build genuine connections with those online to help with promoting your tweets and gaining traction and retweets any time you post a new update.

Write “Retweet” Out With Your Tweets


If you want to increase the number of retweets your tweets receive with each update you post to your followers, include the word “retweet” inside of each one of your tweets before sending them out online. Although many Twitter users implement the acronym “RT”, which stands for “Retweet”, other users who are not familiar with using the platform may become confused and neglect to retweet the message without knowing of the initial request. Ensuring you implement the word “retweet” into your tweets and online updates is a way to significantly increase your chances of directly reaching out to your followers on Twitter to get more traction with your shared messages.

Share Your Enthusiasm

Any time you publish a new tweet, sharing your enthusiasm about product discounts, promotions and contests you plan to host is necessary to get your audience of followers and customers interested in what you have to say. Sharing your enthusiasm is possible with exclamation points, especially if you are promoting an entirely new product or service for your brand.

Understanding effective methods of crafting your Tweets to effectively get attention and retweets from your intended audience is a quick way to build the number of visitors, page views and followers your Twitter and official website receives. The more proactive you are with understanding the methodology of Twitter-posting and updating your followers, the easier it becomes to create more powerful and impact Tweets, whether you are doing so for fun or if you are genuinely trying to promote a brand, business or product you believe in.


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