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Why Did Facebook Ban Me for Content Violation?

Boostlikes • Updated on May 7, 2022
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Although the novelty and newness of Facebook may have worn off, the popularity and functionality of the social media platform has not. In fact, Facebook use has expanded such that people are using the channel to market goods and products in addition to exchanging ideas or simply socializing with friends and family members. Thus whether you’re attempting to build your brand online or just want to ensure that everyone within your social network sees the latest picture of your dog playing with a chewy toy, Facebook is the place to make it happen. Despite the fact that the social channel functions as an effective way to do business or have fun with those you love, individuals who want to use Facebook should note that they can be banned from using it if they violate community standards. Here are several reasons why you may have been banned on grounds of content violation:

Violence and Threats

According to Facebook’s representatives, their top priority in serving the public is to ensure that everyone is safe. With this idea in mind, Facebook reserves the right to remove content and resort to law enforcement in the event that there is a perceived risk of physical harm or threat to the safety of the general public at hand. In short, Facebook does not permit users to intentionally and openly threaten anyone or plan acts of violence that are designed to be exacted in the real world. Additionally, organizations that have a record of violent criminal behavior or terrorist activity are not permitted to hold active accounts with Facebook. The social media channel has also prohibited the planning, celebrating, or promoting of any activity designed to induce the financial harm of another individual. This can include acts of vandalism and/or theft.


Facebook does not take threats of harm to self lightly. In fact, the social media channel has stated that it will remove any encouragement or promotion of self-damaging activity such as hard drug use, eating disorders, and self-mutilation. Additionally, Facebook works with several agencies who facilitate suicide prevention throughout the world in order to assist individuals who are mentally distressed. Yet individuals who choose to publish content that encourages or somehow facilitates the performance of activities that will cause harm to the self may be banned for violating community standards.

Bullying and Harassment

Facebook has already publicized its commitment to monitoring and discouraging all forms of bullying and harassment. Although the channel does permit users to speak openly and freely regarding subjects and people of interest, it will take action against individuals who have engaged in abusive behavior towards private individuals. Although the terms “bullying” and “harassment” may seem vague, the type of activity they generally reference include things such as unwanted friend messages or requests, name-calling, and/or threats to exact sexual forms of violence such as rape.

Hate Speech


Individuals who have used their Facebook accounts as mediums through which they publish hate speech should note that the social media channel will not tolerate such activity and it can result in banning. According to Facebook, users are welcome to challenge and criticize institutions, practices, events, and ideas that they have ideological or practical qualms with. However, users are not permitted to attack other individuals based on factors including but not limited to ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, sex, disability, medical condition, or sexual orientation. An example of hate speech would be a racial slur such as the “n” word or referring to a homosexual individual with the “f” word. Yet another form of hate speech would be referring to a woman with the “c” word.

Graphic Content

Yet another form of activity that Facebook has pledged not to tolerate includes the publication of graphic content. It should be stated that there are some cases in which graphic content is published for the purpose of condemning an unethical or immoral practice, such as an act of terrorism or human rights abuses. In these cases, the graphic content is displayed for the purpose of drawing attention to a social issue that should be addressed such that the individuals who have engaged in inhumane activity are criticized or condemned. While Facebook may tolerate the publication of graphic content that is done for this purpose, it will not permit the publishing of graphic images or data that is specifically designed to exact a sadistic effect or to celebrate violence.

(Facebook users should also note that the social media channel expects people who choose to publish graphic content to draw attention to a social problem to do so in a responsible, appropriate manner. Specifically, Facebook expects the audience for the graphic content to be chosen carefully. Additionally, Facebook expects the individuals who choose to share the content to tell their audience about what type of images and/or information it will contain so the audience can determine whether or not to watch or read it.)

Nudity and Pornography

Facebook has stated and continues to inform users that it will not tolerate sharing of any pornographic images or videos or any other type of explicit sexual content that involves a minor. The social media channel also has rules and regulations regarding displays of nudity. At the same time, Facebook makes a point to distinguish between images and videos that would be deemed pornographic and those that would not. For example, the channel will allow for the sharing of content such as a family photo of a mother breastfeeding a child or a sculpture such as Michelangelo’s David.

Identity and Privacy


Facebook values the personal rights of its users, and it is for this reason that the social media channel does not permit people to publish important personal data of others without gaining their consent to do so first. Additionally, Facebook will not tolerate people creating a false identity for a business or claiming that they are another person. Finally, Facebook discourages the creation of multiple accounts, having stated that this type of activity violates its terms and undermines the community it is attempting to create.

Intellectual Property

Facebook requires that its users ensure that they have the right to share content by attaining the necessary trademarks, copyrights, or other legal rights necessary to do so. If you are not in compliance with this rule, your Facebook account may be subject to banning.

Regulated Goods

Facebook does not permit the sell of regulated goods such as tobacco, alcohol, adult products, or firearms.

Phishing and Spam

Although Facebook does permit the sell of goods and services and encourages users to do so through the establishment of business pages and marketing campaigns, this type of activity must be done in a tasteful way. Specifically, contacting prospective customers repeatedly without their consent is not an acceptable activity.


Although Facebook can be a personally and professionally profitable social channel to use, individuals who wish to sell goods or exchange ideas through this medium should note that it has and will enforce the community standards outlined above. If you refuse to comply with any or all of these standards, Facebook may ban you for content violation.



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