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How to Improve Your Fan Page User Experience with Apps

Boostlikes • Updated on December 7, 2022
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Facebook fan pages are one of the ways that companies, organizations, and individuals are able to communicate with a large group of people. Complaints can be dealt with and ideas are able to be shared, all while engaging those who are fans. There are ways to make this experience better. One of the most effective methods is to install in-page apps on the page.

Extended Information

A popular app that can be installed on any Facebook fan page is the Extended Info app. It allows whoever is maintaining the fan page to add customized tabs that contain more information about the company or organization. Many fan page users find this information to be invaluable when trying to contact the company or learn more about it. It also allows a wide variety of forms to be created which streamlines the fan page so that the fans are able to both give and receive necessary information.

Blog RSS Feed Reader

This application allows the manager of the fan page to import any RSS feed to the Facebook page and then have any information directly put out. This could include any of a wide range of different information, including blog posts and any feeds that are found on a personal website. This application is tremendously helpful for small businesses and other organizations that do not have a full-time worker managing the company or organization’s social media presence. If one aspect of social media is updated, then all aspects of social media will be updated, saving a great deal of time.

Official Twitter App

The official Twitter app allows any tweets that a company makes to be posted on Facebook, increasing visibility for both social networking platforms and allowing fans to only have to go to one location to get all of the updates. When this app is installed, a small Twitter icon will appear on the screen of the fan page. When clicked on, this icon will take the user to the Twitter page of the company or organization. This app is able to ensure that any tweets from any accounts that are in the company’s control will be included on the Facebook page.



This was a startup that has its own site, as well as an app that can be installed on Facebook. It essentially allows different slideshows to be shared across Facebook. If a person already has a SlideShare account, then any slideshows that they have on the site will be able to to be used on Facebook. Users of the fan page will find the slideshows that are included very informative and easy to read, allowing them to get the information that they need without a lot of effort. Companies are able to use slideshows to explain more technical concepts, provide additional instructions, or answer frequently asked questions. Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, iWorks, and Pages can all be shared by using this app, as well as YouTube videos and documents that are in a PDF format.


The Reviews app on Facebook allows users to tell the company or organization running the fan page precisely how they feel, for better or for worse. The app will provide a platform that will allow users to share their thoughts, make suggestions, and complain. All of this information will be recorded and saved for the company to utilize at a later date. The complaints and criticism that is received through this app will make it easy for a company to figure out the changes that it needs to make in order for it to be successful. Custom contact forms are also available for users to share their thoughts.


This app seems basic at first but it can be a great tool to engage users of the fan page and find out what they think. This app allows questions to be posed to anyone who goes on the fan page. If the person agrees to fill out the poll, he or she will click the appropriate response and the data will be collected and displayed in a convenient bar graph. The results of the poll can then be tweeted or posted to Facebook by one of the page administrators. There are no limits to the subjects that are able to be polled, and there is no time limit to the amount of time that the poll can be active for.

Discussion Boards

This is perhaps the most effective and efficient way of allowing fan page users to engage with the company. This app provides a space where users are able to argue about different topics and present opinions. Moderators of the discussion boards can gain a lot of valuable information from the discussions that can be used to make company policy, but for the most part, discussion boards serve as a primary means of allowing fans to interact with one another. The users can either use the topics that the company or organization comes up with, or they can make their own. This app should be installed only after a page has at least one hundred fans, or else the discussion boards will be off-puttingly empty.

Skype Me


Skype Me is an excellent way for a company to communicate directly with the fans. Sessions can be held where the fans are able to get onto Skype with the company or the organization and ask questions that will be answered on the spot. This allows fans to feel more connected with the company and ensures that any pressing issues are addressed in an efficient manner. Fans love being able to talk to the company and feel as though they are influencing the decisions that the company makes and Skype Me gives them that feeling.


The Livestream app allows a company or organization to make videos which can then be streamed live to Facebook. Users are able to comment on these videos and respond as the events unfold. Users are also able to chat with one another, which enhances page enjoyment and builds a stronger community. There is also a bar that has a variety of different buttons that make it easy to share the video with other social networking platforms, increasing overall visibility.


FriendCard is an app that makes it easy for users to create greeting cards that have the logo of the company or organization on them. The cards can then be sent to other Facebook users, which builds interest in the fan page and increases the sense of community. These cards can have personal messages, customized fronts, and a delayed send time. The delayed send time allows a person to create a card and then schedule when the card will be delivered, either immediately or sometime in the future.

By using these apps, it is easier to engage the fan page user and ensure that his or her needs are met and that there is access to a strong community. These two factors will keep a user coming back and encourage him or her to share the page with friends. Keeping the fan page users happy allows a company to solidify its customer base.


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