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Facebook Like Companies Don’t Really Use Clickfarms

Boostlikes • Updated on February 21, 2023
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When you visit a third party ste in an attempt to boost your social network metrics, you have a few options to you.  You can hire a social media manager, who will work on your behalf – so long as they don’t have a rogue employee break down and spout off a tirade, of course – to put every bit of SMM advice to use.  You can hire a company to come in and put their own advertising methods in place, to pull in likes from sources you otherwise can’t reach.  You might even contact a clickfarm and pull in thousands of likes in a matter of hours.

Many people seem to feel that our company is one of the latter.  Our name comes up in that video as a site using clickfarms, which is simply not true.  Of course, without evidence, why would you believe us?  Let’s go ahead and make a logical argument.

Oh, and before we begin, a note about the video.  Facebook’s ads naturally seem to attract traffic from clickfarms, whose workers want their profiles to look more legitimate, and thus hide their paid likes amongst other unrelated likes.  So even if we were using clickfarms, it’s no worse than running normal Facebook ads!

What is a Facebook Like Company

Okay, first we need to take things back to the basics.  What is a Facebook Like company?  What is the point and purpose of a company like ours?

People want to reach their audience, and they know their audience is on Facebook.  They need their audience to like – or follow, the functionality is the same – their business page.  They can advertise through any number of channels, from PPC and organic search to their website, newsletter and personal grapevine.  Even so, consider six degrees of separation.  No one personal network is large enough to reach everyone potentially part of your audience.


What companies like ours do is connect your advertising with a network of websites, blogs and pages that will display your message.  These are places you wouldn’t normally reach, either because you don’t think of them, don’t know about them or aren’t part of the network necessary to get into them.

Of course, we’re a business.  We’re in it for the profit as much as we are out of the desire to see our resources lift up struggling businesses.  That means two things; we need to charge money, and we need to provide a valuable service.  Charging a fee is fine; everyone does it for something, if they want their business to succeed.

The valuable service part is important.  If the Facebook likes provided by a company like ours aren’t valuable, then no one would contract our service.  With no customers, a business can’t continue.  It’s simple logic to assume that, if our business is successful, we must be doing something right.

What is a Clickfarm

Okay, so why is using a clickfarm a bad thing?  Just take a look at the types of users who follow your accounts from a clickfarm.  They’re essentially dummies.  They’re shallow mannequins that exist only to deliver their one bit of value – their like – to targets.  You can see signs of these accounts fairly easily.

They “like” thousands of pages, including benign or general pages, and pages that have nothing to do with them or anything they’ve ever done.
They don’t do a lot with their account.  Other than liking pages, they rarely or never post status updates.  They only have a single picture as their profile picture, and may not have a cover photo or any available information.
They’re typically based in developing nations, in the middle east especially.  Locations where $1 USD goes a long way.

Clickfarm traffic isn’t beneficial to your business.  The number of likes on your page goes up, but that just means it’s harder to reach the people who actually care about your business.  If you’re going to reach 5% of your users, you want as many of those 5% to be active fans as possible.

If clickfarm traffic is worthless, and Facebook like companies need to provide a valuable service, the two are incompatible.  There’s no way we could use a clickfarm to

What We Use Instead


Facebook has a very potent ad network, and it’s poised to grow even bigger with Atlas, which is far more threatening to us than some negative press about clickfarms.  Up until now, the biggest limitation with Facebook’s ad network is that it only displays on Facebook.  If you want to reach users who aren’t easily available on Facebook, you need to look to other sites.

That’s where we and companies like ours come in.  We have resources connecting us to large networks of sites that we can display your advertising on.  These sites run the gamut of topics, with everything under the sun covered in some way or another.  This is beneficial to you, because it means when we display your ads on a site, they’re placed in context.  You’re not going to find your software business advertised on a hair care site.

The other benefit is that the people using these sites aren’t necessarily the same people you’re reaching with your Facebook targeting.  You may have an entire audience of potential customers out there who keep their Facebook profiles minimal.  These people don’t want Facebook tracking their every move, so they’re more likely to be unavailable for targeting directly.

Of course, these people are just a small subset of the audience you reach.  And, sure, there’s going to be some overlap.  You can’t advertise to a group of people both on and off Facebook and expect to never see the same person in two places.

Back to the logic; it’s just not cost effective for a business like ours to use worthless traffic and burn our bridges.  We’re not out to scam you.  We would much prefer loyal, satisfied customers coming back for business, over one-time customers leaving bad reviews across the Internet.

With smart targeting and a few resources, you could achieve the same results we do.  Why not let us put our expertise to use and take the matter off your hands?  It saves you time and your traffic will go up.


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