Posts written by Kenny Novak:
Tips to Change Your Most Popular City on Facebook Reach
The art of increasing traffic to your Facebook page and its advertisi…
How Do I Remove the Fake Facebook Likes from My Page?
Fake Facebook fans can come from a number of different sources. The mo…
How to Hire a Facebook Page Marketing Expert in 10 Steps
Sometimes, when running a business, you just reach a point of collaps…
How to Spend a Facebook Ads Budget Effectively
The number one complaint about Facebook ads is that they can be very ex…
Instagram vs. Twitter: Which Follower is More Valuable?
Instagram and Twitter both pull their weight in social media, and the…
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Facebook Sales Funnel
Facebook is a great tool for generating sales. With more than 1 billio…
How Often Should You Tweet on Your Business Profile?
Unlike Facebook, Twitter is not a curated experience. On Facebook, t…
The Do’s and Don’ts of Syndicating Content to Facebook
In a simple sense, syndicating content on Facebook is as simple as pub…
Media Updates Are Now More Visible than Text Updates on Facebook
Facebook is the current king of personal social media and business ad…
The Ultimate Guide to Integrating the Facebook Like Button
The days of the upward pointing thumb to advertise Facebook pages are…