Posts written by Kenny Novak:
Why Aren’t My Facebook Likes Showing Up?
A huge part of successful marketing on Facebook is analytics. Track,…
How to Grow an Adult Related Fan Page
Facebook is a great marketing tool for many businesses, but it falls f…
The Top 25 Facebook Business Page Apps for Marketing
Hey, you. You run a Facebook page, right? That’s why you&rsquo…
A List of Businesses and Websites Facebook Ads Won’t Allow
I’m going to get one thing out of the way right off the bat; I can&…
Design a Facebook Cover Image Built to Make Sales
The deployment of Facebook as vehicle for business development and a…
4 Ways to Target Your Facebook Campaign to a Specific Audience
Anyone who engages in any sort of marketing, research, mass communic…
10 Clever Ways to Use Facebook’s New Call to Action Feature
Facebook has just introduced a new call to action button that sits on t…
Measure Your Facebook Page Performance with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is great for measuring your website and your ad camp…
How to Use Buffer to Fuel Your Twitter Marketing Campaign
Twitter is a surprisingly resource-intensive social media platfor…
How to Protect Yourself from Likejacking and Clickjacking
There’s a darker side to social marketing, and I’m not t…