Articles in the "Facebook" category:
Is There a Limit to How Many Facebook Friends You Can Have?
Facebook has always been a platform focused around personal relatio…
Tricks Local Businesses Can Use on Their Fan Page
As a local small business with a physical location, you have several F…
Tutorial: How to Run Political Ads on Facebook Ads
It’s no secret that Facebook has issues with… let&rsq…
Can Your Facebook Fans Tell if You’ve Bought Likes?
This is one of those questions that is asked time and again, and while I…
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads Targeting
Facebook is often hailed as the be-all and end-all solution for adver…
How to Respond to Facebook Profanity and Negativity
There are a lot of reasons why a user might be irate at a business, and th…
What Does the Future of Facebook Look Like?
Elements of the past and present are the building blocks of the future…
Should Facebook Use “Maybe” or “Interested” for Events?
Facebook has been trying over the last year or so to test various enhan…
Effective Alternatives to Facebook Ads
An effective marketing campaign entails considering a variety of ad…
How to Use Dark Posts Effectively on Facebook
If you’re thinking that something called a “dark post&…