Posts written by Kenny Novak:
The Best Twitter Tools to Manage Your Profile
Twitter is best for information gathering, sharing and broadcastin…
Can Reposting Facebook Content Hurt Your Page Reach?
One technique you’ll often see mentions on blogs like this one
25 Ways to Get Free Promotion on Your Facebook Page
You want your Facebook page to grow. You also don’t want to spen…
8 Instagram Growth Hacks to Increase Your Image Likes
Instagram likes are a social metric, and like all social metrics, bus…
Can You Make Money from Instagram Photos?
Instagram has been touted as a great social media platform for market…
10 Alternatives to Facebook Ads for Cryptocurrency Pages
In a move that shocked a lot of people hoping to make a quick million, Fa…
How to Find How Many Fake Likes Your Facebook Page Has
Fake likes are a problem endemic to Facebook. They’re somethi…
5 Ways to Show Your Facebook Posts Only to Certain People
Facebook is a highly visible platform used by billions of people ever…
14 Ways to Promote Your Music Video on Facebook
Facebook is a surprisingly effective platform for small-scale musi…
How to Get More Members in Your Facebook Group Quickly
So, you’ve just put the finishing touches on your Facebook gro…