Posts written by Kenny Novak:
How to Reach the 1 Million Facebook Page Likes Milestone
For many businesses, the idea of having a million Facebook followers…
How to Spy on Your Competitor’s Facebook Ads
We’ve said it time and time again: Facebook ads are some of the m…
10 Facebook Features You Probably Aren’t Using Yet
Facebook business pages are a surprisingly robust platform. They ar…
5 Ways to Integrate Facebook Ads with Google Ads
Many marketers, even experienced marketers, tend to fall in a mindse…
Tips to Get More Subscribers on YouTube Profile
If you want your YouTube channel to gain popularity, you cannot sit ba…
How to Create a Custom Facebook App to Link to Your Webpages
Custom apps are some of the most powerful marketing tools available o…
15 Tips to Design a Professional Facebook Ad Image
Think about the last Facebook advertisement you saw. What did you see…
How YouTube Videos Can Help with Your Content Marketing
There’s nothing that better signifies the future of marketin…
5 Steps to Get a Local Business Verified on Facebook
Facebook verification is a common topic on this blog. We’ve ta…
10 Ideas for High Engagement Facebook Posts
Engagement is important. Reach is declining. People are jaded. Chil…