Posts written by Kenny Novak:
How to Remove a Copyright Strike from a YouTube Account
When it comes to copyright, YouTube is something of a wasteland. It&#…
Why to Use Your Business Twitter Profile for Customer Support
Twitter is one of the largest social media networks on the web. The pla…
Does Facebook Ads Allow Affiliate Links?
To make money from affiliate links, you need to refer people to the des…
How to Add or Remove a Credit Card on Facebook Ads
There are a few reasons why you might want to change the payment inform…
15 Incredible Tools that Facebook Power Users Swear By
Facebook, and Facebook marketing, have been around for a while.&nbs…
A Beginner’s Guide to Using Facebook Advertising
Everyone is a newbie at everything the first time, no matter how much n…
Is The New Twttr App Better Than The Original Twitter App?
Twitter is far from a perfect platform. There seems to be a pretty big d…
How to Get Notifications When Someone Unfollows You On Twitter
If you tweet, you’ve found a great way to daily share your thoug…
15 Unique Strategies to Monetize a Facebook Fan Page
There are people out there who grow Facebook pages for the sake of havi…
Is Facebook Marketing Worth The Time and Effort?
Marketing online is difficult. There are trillions of webpages, and…