Posts written by Kenny Novak:
How to Become YouTube Famous – The Ultimate Guide
Every time you turn on the TV there is news about a viral video on YouTub…
How to Grow Your Page as a Model or Actor/Actress
To the rest of us, it seems as though celebrity is its own reward, its ow…
Facebook Like Companies Don’t Really Use Clickfarms
When you visit a third party ste in an attempt to boost your social netw…
Tricks to Mass Invite Facebook Friends to A Fan Page
Facebook has become the central advertising platform of the future,…
How to Fight Spam on Your Facebook Business Page
Managing a Facebook business page is not only a way for you to easily sh…
11 Proven Facebook Ad Templates with High Conversion Rates
Facebook ads are tricky. There’s no doubt about it. A huge part…
Why Aren’t My YouTube Videos Getting Indexed?
YouTube is a lot like Google, which makes sense, since it’s own…
Why is Facebook Asking to Convert to Business Manager?
Facebook has been pushing their business manager a lot recently. The…
The Ultimate Guide to Creating CPA Ads on Facebook
CPA ads on Facebook can be an excellent way to get sustainable traffic…
15 Ways Companies are Using Twitter Gifs to Increase Sales
On the scale of visual media, at the top end of expense, you have televi…