Posts written by Kenny Novak:
12 Ways to Get Your Video Trending on YouTube
The YouTube algorithm is the difference between a video languishing…
How to Tell If a Facebook User is Fake
Facebook is hands down one of the best social media sites for staying i…
High CTR, Low Conversions: Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working
You might think that getting a lot of clicks on your Facebook ads means…
Is Facebook’s Comments Plugin Bad for SEO?
Facebook stepped into the third party comments game by launching a Fa…
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Facebook Marketing Plan
Much is said about using Facebook for marketing, but comparatively l…
Why Facebook Hashtags Just Aren’t Effective
Facebook would like you believe that their hashtags work when in trut…
4 Reasons Why You Should Link to Your Social Accounts
Social networking is a modern day practice that appears to be growing…
Why Are My Facebook Ads Spending Money Too Quickly?
When you’re running Facebook ads, properly allocating money…
Is There a Limit to How Many Facebook Friends You Can Have?
Facebook has always been a platform focused around personal relatio…
Tricks Local Businesses Can Use on Their Fan Page
As a local small business with a physical location, you have several F…