How to Add Calls to Action to the End of a YouTube Video
If you’ve watched any reasonably produced YouTube video in th…
Our Simple Guide to Getting a Verified Profile on Facebook
Nine times out of ten, when you read about getting a “verified p…
Steps to Get a Facebook Page Unblocked or Unbanned
A banned or blocked Facebook page is never a desirable situation for a…
Turning A Viral YouTube Video Into Sales
YouTube videos go viral all the time. It doesn’t take much for a…
How to Post to Twitter from Your Mac OSX Dock App
The massive popularity of microblogging tool Twitter led Apple to in…
Facebook Ad Clicks or Website Clicks: Which Are Better?
There’s a common misconception with Facebook ads, and it revo…
How to Create a Successful Band Page on Facebook
In the past, we’ve written a bit about promoting bands on Faceb…
Facebook Retargeting Versus Google Ads Retargeting
When you run an advertisement, it gets shown to a lot of people a small n…
9 Unique Methods to Give Facebook Users Incentives to Like
Facebook is all about the likes, but not in the way you might think.&nb…
Twitter Ads versus Facebook Ads: Which is Better?
Facebook has long been the go-to social network for paid advertising…